groupGetAllOfType(): NO Cache found for type div sqlQuery(): SELECT * FROM DS_groups WHERE group_type='clan' AND group_status='Public' ORDER BY parent_group_id ASC,group_order ASC - PRMS: Array groupGetAllOfType(): NO Cache found for type clan sqlQuery(): SELECT f.*,g.group_id,g.group_name,g.group_type FROM DS_forums f, DS_groups g WHERE (f.forum_status = 'open' OR f.forum_status = 'locked') AND g.group_id=f.group_id AND g.group_status='Public' ORDER BY g.parent_group_id ASC, g.group_type ASC, g.group_order ASC, f.forum_order ASC, f.forum_name ASC - PRMS: Array
sqlQuery(): SELECT skin_name FROM DS_skins WHERE skin_id=1 - PRMS: Array groupBuildTree(): Frontpage for group 1 with type clan groupGetInfo(): Returning '' for group_id=1 sqlQuery(): SELECT * FROM DS_groups WHERE group_id=1 - PRMS: Array sqlQuery(): DELETE FROM DS_forum_lastvisits WHERE topic_id != 0 AND lastvisit sqlQuery(): SELECT * FROM DS_forums WHERE forum_id=2 - PRMS: Array sqlQuery(): SELECT * FROM DS_forum_topics WHERE topic_id=10389 - PRMS: Array sqlQuery(): SELECT value FROM DS_sessions WHERE sesskey = :sesskey AND expiry > :expiry - PRMS: Array Hell even mods are getting checked already by warden(as seen by the people monitoring warden) and I bet you there are big lists of tagged keysetsĪnyway, once the button is pushed I trade some none ladder stuff for more keysets My guess is that after a week or something when the shops have been selling hrs a bit and the trade forums get flooded with them for somewhat ok prices and all baalbots get equiped, then blizzard will push the button. Nah it's just something they do when the market is flooded with stuff and theyr itemshops don't sell good enough anymore.
what are they saying? are they trying to get "Diablo" back into the minds of their gamers? So i find it extremly intresting that blizz is re-setting the ladder. It never was a question whether hacks/bots could be detected only when it gets to a point for them to care. This time it hit the point again it costs them money so bans will follow. I actually expect a lot bans in the comming 2/3 weeks due to certain releases of private hacks and multiple baalbots having come online.
Join Date: 2001 On 13:11 Dismaltommyrot-DS wrote:ĭ2 lost its shine with the birth of wow and the constant almost un-stopble stream of hacks and exploits that flooded the d2 severs, also with all games if it gets to old it gets boring and gaming is not about bordome but about excitment, entertainment, ect.